fan-phenomenaIn het boek Fan Phenomena: Jane Austen buigen verschillende schrijvers en critici zich over de fancultuur die rondom het werk en leven van Jane Austen is ontstaan.

In zijn essay She’s Everywhere: Jane Austen in the Blogosphere vergelijkt dr. Chris Louttit van de Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen verschillende blogs over Jane Austen met elkaar. Eén van die blogs is deze,

Dutch Janeism
Louttit schrijft:
Thanks to the considerable influence of the film and TV versions of the novels in the last few decades, Austen’s visibility in Dutch culture has increased and a number of new translations have appeared.
Karin Quint’s, which went live in 2009, is very much influenced by this late-blooming Dutch Janeism. Much of its activity over the past two years has related to the ever-proliferating products of the several waves of Austenmania since 1995.

Degree of overlap
We worden langs de meetlat gelegd van andere Austen-gerelateerde blogs, zoals Austenblog en Jane Austen’s World:
There are also obvious connections between and the Anglophone digital Janeite culture. These begin with the appearance and layout of Quint’s site. The use of the well-known ‘L’aimable Jane’ silhouette and the WordPress patterned fabric background recalls similar features in the appearance of the Austenprose site. Understandably, there is also a degree of overlap in the coverage of various Austen ‘news’ stories.

Loutitt komt tot de conclusie dat een aantal van zijn vermoedens – bijvoorbeeld over de verhouding man-vrouw op Austen-blogs – kloppen. Maar er zijn voor hem ook verrassingen: While they’re definitely in the minority, there is a committed group of male Janeites, some of whom are active on a number of sites. It’s also noticeable that many of the bloggers discussed above seem to want to submerge themselves in the material texture of Austen’s world, whether that’s through writing a blogpost on eighteenth-century spectacles or organising an early nineteenth-century ball in the present day.

Andere essays
Behalve het boeiende essay van Louttit (dat natuurlijk extra onze aandacht had) staan er in Fan Phenomena: Jane Austen nog veel meer interessante en evenwichtige essays over Austen-fancultuur. Zoals over fanfictie, Darcymania, de filmlocaties die gebruikt zijn voor Pemberley en over monster mash-ups.

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